The Law of Attraction Can Build Your Business
There are times when things seem unexpectedly to come our way. There will be an unexpected phone call or visit that will set things in motion. We have all heard of people who succeeded simply because they always seem to be in the right place at the right time. There are many words that are used in order to explain such happenings. Words like coincidence, serendipity, fate, luck, karma. Sayings like, "what goes around comes around" and so on. All of these words and expressions are different ways of summing up what is known as the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction is very simply defined as that which attracts towards your life anything that you pay attention to, focus on, or spend energy on, whether you actually want it or not. You can use the Law of Attraction to build your business. The principles of the Law of Attraction can get you more clients, contracts, referrals, business partners, and of course money.
The first thing you need to know is how people use Declarative Statements and how they affect the Law of Attraction. A Declarative Statements and some of them may sound very egoistic in nature but that is how the whole thing works. If you are shy of being confident then you will have trouble working through the Law of Attraction.
Most of the time, failure in people is basically a subconscious acceptance of negative Declarative Statements. For example, saying things like, "My money always goes out faster that it comes in", or, "Business is good only around special occasions," are negative Statements. Anything that makes you feel bad or say something negative about yourself or your business is a negative Declarative Statement.
The Law of Attraction will attract anything that you pay attention to .Stick to the positive and you will attract the positive. Keep thinking about the negative and that is all you will attract. The Law of Attraction does not care whether you want something or not or whether it will be good for you or not. It simple takes your current mood or feeling and goes ahead with it.
Every time you think something negative you should immediately dismiss it from your mind and rethink something positive. You will note and immediate in your mood and feeling.
Every time you make a negative Declarative Statement as yourself, "What do I want?" Focus on that aspect and rethink your thoughts. Once you know what you want you also know if it is good for you or not and you are bound to choose only that which is good.
You must practice on this until it becomes a habit so that you never have any negative thoughts. After a few days you will see that merely thinking positive will start making a healthy affect on your life and business.
Best Regards
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