The weather looks fine, but a little hot. I look fine, but a bit bored. It's already 7 , and you are waiting for my story. The seconds pass, and I drive you crazy; I know , I know, it's so embarrassing, and you can not bear me.

You ask me :" what are you doing ? what's happen? You don't like Google , or writing ? Are you tired , or maybe fall in another love."
I reply: " Nothing, I do nothing. but I'm fine, and I'm just like past."
You think that I don't respect you, ignore your feelings, and I don't know time, and its importance.
Yeah, you're right, and I'm truly embarrassed, but I think that I've been honest with you, and tell the truth, then please Listen to me:
Because I'm going to report an accident, looking up a special word in the dictionary for expressing my feeling, but I find nothing.
I still love Google, Mozilla,Facebook, reading and writing. Nothing has changed for me, but I'm a bit crazy, sometimes I wanted to try something different.
I've stayed up for about 28 days, I know it's foolish,You think : she's really crazy." but I just wanted to have a different experiment, I've stayed up for blessing, reading , writing, thinking and so on. That's why these mornings I looks so depressed , tired and confused, even this morning , I wrote my story in Persian, I usually don't do it, but some people tell me : Write in Persian .
After ending it, I should write it in English, but I fell in sleep, and as I woke up, I was so bored.
Maybe I should not write these, but I think you should know the truth.
I'm so embarrassed, please forgive me, but it will change in few days.
I like You, Thank you
All the Best
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