He ran his right hand through his hair and said, "I wish I had a hairband or rubber band."
Suddenly the assistant jumped up, "A rubber band?"
Uncle Larry asked happily, "Yeah, do you have one?"
He quickly took his pocket scissors out of his pocket, only to snip a large ring in the drum skin. Soon after Mr. Assistant handed the ring to Lord of the rings, "A Strong Band Only For You."
A sunny smile came to Larry's lips. Uncle Larry changed the bass string carefully, then examined his weapon. Just as the archer was certain about his weapon, he smiled at his smart assistant, "Excellent! I'm extremely grateful to you for fixing my slingshot."
_,"Don't mention it! Now you can explode that yellow Dino's--" his words hadn't yet finished that Uncle Larry felt the roof come nearer at high speed, time was running fast; he had to shoot as soon as possible.
The archer picked up the arrow which had fallen on the floor, and went back to his weapon. The crunching noises got on his nerves, and his hands went numb with the biting cold. Mr.Assistant stood back as Larry grabbed the bass. With trembling fingers, he placed the paintbrush in the string.
Mr. Assistant wondered, "He's not likely to win. I should help him." So he shouted, "Wait Larry!"
Uncle Larry turned his attention to him. Mr. Assistant said, "Don't shoot just yet. We're not ready."
Uncle Larry's eyebrows arched in question, "Something wrong?"
The assistant nodded, "I didn't shut my eyes yet."
Uncle Larry giggled with delight, "Are you afraid we'll fail? Are you scared of dinosaurs?"
The assistant nodded, "I didn't shut my eyes yet."
Uncle Larry giggled with delight, "Are you afraid we'll fail? Are you scared of dinosaurs?"
"No, I'm afraid of Parmis. If I read her mind, I could guess her plan.
What happens if there are no dinosaurs at all. Do you know? well, I tell
you: the roof would collapse, showering us with raw eggs. OMG, and my
nice clothes would be smelly and smeary."
"Don't worry. We'll hit the target. I'll do it to the best of my ability." Uncle Larry said as he drew back the string. He breathed deeply and looked up, only to aim.The the roof kept descending at high speed. A look of indecision crossed his face. Mr. Assistant shouted loudly, "The roof is about to collapse. Shoot this minute."
_,"No, we'd better wait."
There was drop of eight feet from the ceiling to the floor, the target was near enough, and the time was approaching when Larry must shoot. Uncle Larry broke into a cold sweat, closed his eyes and murmured, "Oh Lord, help me! I must hit that yellow egg, however hard it is. Help me."
Mr. Assistant was shivering with fear, his hands were blue with cold. He covered his eyes, wishing Larry good luck.
Uncle Larry waited until the last minute. He had missed his first two shots carelessly, and this was his last shot. His heart was pounding. He took a deep breath to pull himself together. Then he aimed for the yellow egg. The bass roared and the paint brush flew away.
Mr. Assistant was peeking through his fingers, he was amazed to see Larry scored a bulls-eye.
The third shot hit the seven and painted it green like magic. As soon as the seven was painted, the roof stopped moving and the crunching sounds died away.The yellow egg fell off the roof and made a good landing in Larry's hands. This was his sixth present.
Mr. Assistant was green with envy as Uncle Larry emptied the eggshell, because he liked chocolate Easter bunny a lot. Uncle Larry was delighted with his pretty present. The chocolate Easter bunny was wrapped in gold foil with a key and red ribbon around its neck. Uncle Larry untied the ribbon, took the golden key, and handed the golden bunny to his assistant.
Mr. Assistant got excited and began jumping up and down. At this point Dino's eggs shook sharply and the candles flickered faintly, the blare of Happy Birthday Song came from the roof, the eggs broke, peeled from the ceiling, then the cotton candy, confetti and glitter rained down.
Uncle Larry laughed. Mr. Assistant unwrapped the bunny, broke off the ears, and put them in his mouth, "Delicious! It melts in the mouth. Dino's egg tastes like bunny, only sweeter!"
Uncle Larry said, "Well, we brought the spring to the snowy room, now the apple trees are in flower. We must make a move." Mr. Assistant nodded quietly. Just as they walked towards the door, a drawing was displayed on the easel.
"It's a drawing of my house." Uncle Larry said, pointing at the large tablet.
--,"Why is your house shaking?"
At once Uncle Larry responded, "Because of "khooneh tekouni" which literally means "shaking the house". Khooneh tekouni is same as the Spring cleaning."
_,"Oh, how interesting! you have a nice knowledge of Iranian Nowruz. "
The candles began to die down, and the roof started descending. Uncle Larry unlocked the door with the golden key, and said, "The ceiling is low. Mind your head!"
Mr. Assistant took put a garlic bulb in his basket. They left the room.
Best Wishes
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