How to Create an Audio Version of Your Book
My friends love to listen to books while they exercise or drive. I never do this because I like to read a book, not hear it. However, customers should be able to access books in any way they want. I recently went through the process of creating an audio book, and I'd like to share the process with you.
A is for Audible
You can produce an audiobook version using a service from Audible called the Audiobook Creation Exchange. Here is how it works
My friends love to listen to books while they exercise or drive. I never do this because I like to read a book, not hear it. However, customers should be able to access books in any way they want. I recently went through the process of creating an audio book, and I'd like to share the process with you.
A is for Audible
You can produce an audiobook version using a service from Audible called the Audiobook Creation Exchange. Here is how it works
How to Get Everything You Want. Seriously
BY Dave Kerpen
Getting what you want in your career and in life isn't as difficult as it may seem. I mean it.
I've been very fortunate, both professionally and personally, and along the way learned seven key ways to help make it happen. In essence, I work to put others first, and to be more likeable, to end up with what I want in everything I do. I'll be writing about this in far more detail in my third book next year.
In the meantime, here's a sneak peak at how you can be successful in everything you do, too
BY Dave Kerpen
Getting what you want in your career and in life isn't as difficult as it may seem. I mean it.
I've been very fortunate, both professionally and personally, and along the way learned seven key ways to help make it happen. In essence, I work to put others first, and to be more likeable, to end up with what I want in everything I do. I'll be writing about this in far more detail in my third book next year.
In the meantime, here's a sneak peak at how you can be successful in everything you do, too
Bundle Storm: The Bundle of Bundles
This Bundle Storm contains over 30 different bundles of fantastic Web Design resources. Includes textures, gradients, vector files, Photoshop actions, and more. Each of the 30+ bundles contains dozens, hundreds or even thousands of incredibly useful resources for creative designers
In this Mighty Deal's case, however, it feels like we have a bundle that consists of bundles of bundles! Confused yet? Don't be. Just know that this is one of the biggest bundle deals ever!
With literally thousands of high-quality elements for creative designers, this Bundle Storm pretty much has it all!
Stock photos! Vector images! Backgrounds! Patterns! Themes! Gradients! Actions! Icons! Buttons! Infographics! Why, there's even tools to quickly create your own mascot!
Top 10 ways to spot a terrible link building agency
Posted by Wordtracker on 23 August 2013
It's as important as ever to make sure you have an effective and profitable link building strategy in place.
Nowadays, the best agencies no longer build links solely to rank at the top of Google and other search engines – there's far more to it than chasing the top spot.
Instead, any agency worth their salt will focus their link building efforts upon improving a company's brand name and exposureThis article will take a look at 10 warning signs that you should look for if you're thinking of letting a link building agency loose on your site.
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PRSM is the new social network that lets you share absolutely everything, with unlimited storage, no ads ever, and over 320 million members! This spoof site from Datacoup aims to raise awareness about the NSA's sweeping data collection program.
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