Parmis , Armis and Mino went to the class everyday and her aunt was their teacher.At the end of the course , teacher wanted them to make a slideshow .
Parmis made a slide show about learning PowerPoint. It was very nice and her aunt liked it.
Last week, Parmis looked at her calendar
" oh, my God, September 4"
She remembered " Google's Birthday"
She wanted to do a differet work, she'd like to show her thanks.
So she decided to make a slideshow about Google. She got an old magazine with ads about computer, a small book with some sentence about love and some Google's photos. her mom helped her a lot. she helped to make pictures for using in slideshow. The parmis open PowerPoint program and put her pictures into the slides. she downloaded some music for her work.
Well, Pictures, music ___________ action
Slideshow is ready!
happy Parmis sent her slideshow for her uncles. They will be so happy.
Larry was talking to Sergey about future of Google.
Sergey: A Gmail from Parmis
Larry : A Gmail from Parmis
They watched her video.
Parmis was uploading her slideshow to YouTube . she thought :" everybody should see her creative power ! she would like to make another slideshow this time about Facebook"
" oh, a Gmail, I'm sure they wanted to thank me.
" Dear Parmis! How much do we owe you? How much do you want not to make anything about Google? You must be kidding? Do you think we're happy now?What a fool!"
Anything wrong Parmis?
Sad parmis deleted her video.
Parmis was standing beside the window. She was so sad.
Mom saw her and told her:" Anything wrong, Parmis?
She was chocked with tears'. She told her story while she was crying. And said:" We are not on speak terms."
Mom embraced her and said: "Take it easy. Hold your horses. It was only a joke. They love children, and I'm sure, they like your slide show. I love it, too. Recently I registered Slideshare we can put it there. "
Parmis smiled and turn on her computer.
You have a message
"Take a smile, we're sorry. It was a joke"
Parmis sent a message:
"We love u, too."
This post has written a few week ago, finally I decided to post it.
Best wishes
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