If you are not already using article marketing for your business, you are missing out on sales and sign ups that could be garnered from this time tested method of marketing a business online. Anyone who isn't already marketing their business with articles should get started on it right away.
Remember, your article marketing efforts of today will continue to pay off for years to come. You can't say that about any other type of marketing that exists. For the future of your business, this is an area of marketing that you need to learn – and you need to learn every aspect of it as soon as possible.
You may shy away from article marketing because you can't write well, or because you don't think that article marketing is right for your niche. These are valid reasons – but they are wrong. Even if you can't write well, you can pay someone who does. Having articles written is surprisingly cheap. In fact, you can have one article written each and every week for less than ten dollars.
You can also take one of the many free writing courses online to learn how to write articles. Once you get the hang of writing articles, you will find that you can write a short article in less than half an hour. If you are slow at typing, or your article will require more research, you can knock one out in about an hour.
As for article marketing not being right for your niche – wrong again. Article marketing works for all niches. Have you been to a search engine lately? No matter what you think of to type in, you will find web pages on that topic. Where there are webpages, there are readers, and where there are readers, there is a need for articles.
Go ahead – try it. Visit your favorite search engine and try to think up something off the wall and type it in. Bet you find web pages that have content – aka articles – on them! Web content comes from articles – whether they are articles that were written specifically for that website, or articles that were found in the article banks.
You may not think you have time for article distribution. You can pay someone to do this, but the fact of the matter is that even if you just submitted your article to ten article banks each week, you will still benefit. You will benefit even more if you submit to more article banks, publishers, and forums – but just ten will work as well. Doing nothing at all, however, won't get you anywhere at all. It takes less than one hour to submit to ten article directories.
So, if you have an article written for you, and you submit it to ten directories, you are looking at half an hour of work a week. If you write the article yourself and submit it, you are looking at about two hours per week. If you outsource all of it – writing and distribution, you are looking at ten minutes a week or less – and this includes sending an email to your writer and paying them once the work is done, once you find a ghostwriter that you want to work with on a continuing basis.
You have everything to gain from article marketing, and nothing to lose – as long as you are doing your article marketing in the right way. Even if you did it in the wrong way, the most you stand to lose is your time. Frankly, article marketing is something that is hard to fail at.
The process is incredibly simple: write an informative article, include a resource box that has a call to action, distribute the article, and reap the benefits for years to come. That's all there is to it – and this is a marketing method that is available to everyone – even if they are new to Internet Business. You don't have to be a guru to write articles. You become a guru by writing articles.
You don't even have to own a business to start writing articles and profiting from them. Affiliate marketing, where you promote other peoples products and services for a percentage of each sale, can easily be done through article marketing – and this is where many gurus got their start.
If you aren't article marketing, you are leaving money on the table. It is as simple as that – and you can start article marketing today. Right now. If you can write, write. If you can't, hire a ghostwriter, pay eight to ten bucks for the article, and start distributing it. All of that can be done now – TODAY.
Don't let another day go by that you are not benefiting from the uncontested and unrivaled effectiveness of article marketing! The future of your business, as well as your own financial future, could depend on it.
Article Marketing Magic by Bertus Engelbrecht
Best regards
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