A lot of pictures on the desk, smiley Parmis, happy Armis and Mino, Angry Kiarash
She smiles and says "an amazing holiday" then she looks at images of Nexus 10 with regret.

She smiles and says "an amazing holiday" then she looks at images of Nexus 10 with regret.

Christmas Day
Parmis came home and saw a lot of Christmas presents under the Christmas tree. Her mom wrapped and placed the gifts under the tree. Parmis was so excited and said "Wow, a lot of gifts just for me, I don't believe." she liked to open them at that moment, but she had to wait until next day. They always opened their presents on Christmas Day. Waiting was so hard for Parmis.
At midnight, when every one was sleep, Parmis couldn't sleep. She thought about the presents, she had so curiosity about them, so she got up from her bed and went to next the tree. She looked at the presents with eagerness for a few minutes, finally, she picked up one of them. When she opened it, she was so surprised:" oh, my God" hopeless Parmis said. The box was empty. She opened another one and the story repeated. After half an hour, the little girl had sat on the floor with a lot of wrappers and empty boxes in around her, and some tears in her eyes. Sadly, Parmis got up and left there to go to bed. She thought "I hate them, they are so bad."
At next day, she woke up late. She didn't like to leave her bed, but her mom called her for having breakfast. When she went to living room, her eyes were wide and her mouth was hanging open. She was so wonderful, the gifts were there right under the tree, wrapped and neat. She thought: "oh, I think that it was a bad dream." Mom said to her: "now, you can open your presents." Parmis accepted happily and picked up the first one.
Pretty leather boots from grandma, a necklace from aunt Lily, beautiful earrings from aunt Sami, some books from Armis, A chocolate from Mino , a program for hack from Martin and a lot of things else from her uncles and friends.
Finally, she opened the smallest present, it was the last wrapped. "Wow, a nexus 10 from her mom." Parmis jumped up and down with excitement and kissed her mom. Mom said: "recently, I published my book, its sale is great and we have a lot of money for a long time. " Parmis told:" that's great and I really need this one "she pointed her tablet. Then switched it on.
"Oh, no. A Gmail from Tina."
"Hi, Parmis,
Merry Christmas, here is a cool video for you. Watch it right now.
Your kind friend, Tina"
Parmis said: "A bad start, even on Holiday, I have to watch her boring videos." Smiley, mom said" please, watch it, it's a present"
She played the video. 10 minutes later, Parmis was angry and mom was laughing at her.
Last night wasn't a dream; it was a plane of her friends. They knew the Parmis would open the presents at midnight, so they placed empty wrapped under the tree and took a video from her. Parmis said: "at last, I helped Tina for making a cool video, A YouTube Killer or a Killer YouTube." They laughed for a few minutes.
well, Sergey and Larry were in chat:
"Hurry up, Parmis. Google plane arrives soon. "
Parmis thought: "Wow, a cool gift still awaits Parmis." And asked them:" who is the pilot?"
Happily, Sergey said:" I'd like to fly our airplane."
Parmis thought: "oh, my God, I like to arrive in San Francisco live and healthy." She knew that Sergey loves to talk about Google glass, so told him, "If you fly the airplane, who talks about Google glass? I think it's better that Uncle Larry flies the airplane. How do you think of it?"
Sergey accepted with happy because he loved to talk about Google glass.
Parmis asked: "Can some of mine friends come with us?"
Larry responded:" Yes, of course"
"Hurry up, Parmis. Google plane arrives soon. "
Parmis thought: "Wow, a cool gift still awaits Parmis." And asked them:" who is the pilot?"
Happily, Sergey said:" I'd like to fly our airplane."
Parmis thought: "oh, my God, I like to arrive in San Francisco live and healthy." She knew that Sergey loves to talk about Google glass, so told him, "If you fly the airplane, who talks about Google glass? I think it's better that Uncle Larry flies the airplane. How do you think of it?"
Sergey accepted with happy because he loved to talk about Google glass.
Parmis asked: "Can some of mine friends come with us?"
Larry responded:" Yes, of course"
Happy New Year
Best Greetings
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