« عشق ورای همه چیز است. عشق، هدیه ی شخص است.
جین انویل »
سلام، صبحتون بخیر
و پایان هفته ی فوق العاده ای داشته باشید.
« یک واژه ما را از تمام سنگینی و درد زندگی نجات می بخشد و آن واژه ی عشق است.
سوفکلس »
Then presently the man came back and asked me please to step up to the library. I was so excited that really and truly my feet would hardly take me up. Outside the door he turned and whispered, 'He's been very ill, Miss. This is the first day he's been allowed to sit up. You'll not stay long enough to excite him?' I knew from the way he said it that he loved you -- and I think he's an old dear!
Then he knocked and said, 'Miss Abbott,' and I went in and the door closed behind me.
It was so dim coming in from the brightly lighted hall that for a moment I could scarcely make out anything; then I saw a big easy chair before the fire and a shining tea table with a smaller chair beside it . And I realized that a man was sitting in the big chair propped up by pillows with a rug over his knees. Before I could stop him he rose-- rather shakily --and steadied himself by the back of the chair and just looked at me without a word. And then-- and then-- I saw it was you! But even with that I didn't understand. I thought Daddy had had you come there to meet me or a surprise.
Then you laughed and held out your hand and said, 'Dear little Judy, couldn't you guess that I was Daddy-Long-Legs?'
In an instant it flashed over me. Oh, but I have been stupid! A hundred little things might have told me, if I had had any wits. I wouldn't make a very good detective, would I, Daddy? Jervie? What must I call you? Just plain Jervie sounds disrespectful, and I can't be disrespectful to you!
It was a very sweet half hour before your doctor came and sent me away. I was so dazed when I got to the station that I almost took a train for St Louis. And you were pretty dazed, too. You forgot to give me any tea. But we're both very, very happy, aren't we? I drove back to Lock Willow in the dark but oh, how that stars were shining! And this morning I've been out with Colin visiting all the places that you and I went to together, and remembering what you said and how you looked. The woods today are are burnished bronze and the air is full of frost. It's CLIMBING weather. I wish you were here to climb the hills with me. I am missing you dreadfully, Jervie dear, but it's a happy kind of missing; we'll be together soon. We belong to each other now really and truly, no make-believe. Doesn't it seem queer for me to belong to someone at last? It seems ever very sweet.
And I shall never let you be sorry for a single instant.
Yours, for ever and ever,
PS. This is the first love-letter I ever wrote. Isn't it funny that I know how?
Then he knocked and said, 'Miss Abbott,' and I went in and the door closed behind me.
It was so dim coming in from the brightly lighted hall that for a moment I could scarcely make out anything; then I saw a big easy chair before the fire and a shining tea table with a smaller chair beside it . And I realized that a man was sitting in the big chair propped up by pillows with a rug over his knees. Before I could stop him he rose-- rather shakily --and steadied himself by the back of the chair and just looked at me without a word. And then-- and then-- I saw it was you! But even with that I didn't understand. I thought Daddy had had you come there to meet me or a surprise.
Then you laughed and held out your hand and said, 'Dear little Judy, couldn't you guess that I was Daddy-Long-Legs?'
In an instant it flashed over me. Oh, but I have been stupid! A hundred little things might have told me, if I had had any wits. I wouldn't make a very good detective, would I, Daddy? Jervie? What must I call you? Just plain Jervie sounds disrespectful, and I can't be disrespectful to you!
It was a very sweet half hour before your doctor came and sent me away. I was so dazed when I got to the station that I almost took a train for St Louis. And you were pretty dazed, too. You forgot to give me any tea. But we're both very, very happy, aren't we? I drove back to Lock Willow in the dark but oh, how that stars were shining! And this morning I've been out with Colin visiting all the places that you and I went to together, and remembering what you said and how you looked. The woods today are are burnished bronze and the air is full of frost. It's CLIMBING weather. I wish you were here to climb the hills with me. I am missing you dreadfully, Jervie dear, but it's a happy kind of missing; we'll be together soon. We belong to each other now really and truly, no make-believe. Doesn't it seem queer for me to belong to someone at last? It seems ever very sweet.
And I shall never let you be sorry for a single instant.
Yours, for ever and ever,
PS. This is the first love-letter I ever wrote. Isn't it funny that I know how?
prop پشتی، صندلی، نگهدار، پشتیبان، تکیه
instant لحظه، وهله، آن
dazed ژولیده، گیج
disrespectful موهن
stead جا داد، گذاشت، حمایت کرد
burnish جلا دادن، صیقل دادن، پرداختن
در این موقع خدمتکار مخصوص صدایم زد و گفت:« لطفاً به کتابخانه تشریف بیاورید.» آن قدر هیجان داشتم که نمی توانستم روی پا بند شوم. سپس آهسته ادامه داد:« آقا خیلی مریض بوده اند، امروز اولین روزی است که دکتر اجازه داده اند کمی بنشینند، امیدوارم زیاد نمانید و خسته شان نکنید.» معلوم می شود خیلی تو را دوست دارد، به همین خاطر هم مهرش در دل من نشسته است. سپس آرام به در زد و گفت:« دوشیزه آبوت، تشریف آورده اند.» و در را باز کرد، من وارد کتابخانه شدم و در پشت سر من بسته شد.
کتابخانه نیمه تاریک بود من از روشنایی تند تالار یکمرتبه به آنجا قدم گذاشته بودم و اولش چشمم جایی را نمی دید، ولی بعد نزدیک بخاری یک مبل راحتی دیدم کنار مبل یک میز چایخوری زیبا و صندلی کوچکی گذاشته بودند. بعد مردی را دیدم که روی صندلی نشسته بود و چند بالش پشتش گذاشته و پتویی روی پاهایش پهن کرده بودند، قبل از آن که من بتوانم حرف بزنم مرد با زانوهای لرزان از جا بلند شد و برای آن که بتواند بایستد دستش را به پشت صندلی گرفت و بی آن که کلمه ای حرف بزند به من خیره شد، آن وقت ... من دیدم که تویی! اما چنان متحیر و گیج بودم که فکر کردم بابا دنبال تو فرستاده است که آنجا با من صحبت کنی ، ولی تو خندیدی و دستت را به طرفم دراز کردی و گفتی:« جودی کوچولو! چطور نفهمیدی که من خودم بابا لنگ دراز هستم؟» تازه آن موقع بود که موضوع را فهمیدم، ای داد بیداد! من چقدر خنگ و کودنم. اگر یک ذره حواسم جمع بود هزار بار موردش پیش آمد که من بفهم تو که هستی. با این حواسم اصلاً کاراگاه خوبی نمی شوم.
بابا، جروی، نمی دانم تو را چه صدا کنم . جروی تنها بی ادبی است و من اصلاً نمی توانم نسبت به تو بی ادب باشم. می خواستم از خوشحالی فریاد بزنم اما بغض داشت خفه ام می کرد. چه نیم ساعت خوبی بود و چقدر زود گذشت. بعد از نیم ساعت دکتر آمد و مؤدبانه عذرم را خواست. وقتی به ایستگاه قطار رسیدم. آن قدر گیج بودم که نزدیک بود عوضی سوار قطار سن لویی بشوم، تو هم دست کمی از من نداشتی، چون یادت نبود که یک فنجان چای به من بدهی، هر دو خیلی خوشبختیم ، مگر نه؟
هوا تاریک بود که به لاک ویلو رسیدم، ولی ستاره ها عجیب می درخشیدند! امروز صبح کالین را برداشتم و به هر کجا که با تو رفته بودم سر زدم . هی یادم می آمد که چه چیزها گفتی و چطور بودی . امروز جنگل مثل آهن گداخته برق می زد و هوا یخبندان بود. وقت کوهنوردی است. ای کاش اینجا بودی که با هم از تپه ها بالا می رفتیم . دلم برایت خیلی تنگ شده، اما جروی عزیز این دلتنگی خیلی شیرین است. چون خیلی زود کنار هم خواهیم بود، حالا ما واقعاً به هم تعلق داریم ، چقدر عجیب است که سرانجام به کسی تعلق پیدا کرده ام. احساس بسیار شیرینی است. و مطمئن باش هرگز نخواهم گذاشت که حتی برای لحظه ای پشیمان شوی.
برای همیشه و همیشه

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