Selected Tips

Making Votive Candles
Candles in the current scenario are used for several purpose like decoration & gifts. They are always an indispensable part of the festivities and usual home decor. Candle making is a great pastime for special moments as well, for instance parents making candles together with their children, or gifting the same to your family & friends on special occasions. These are also an excellent craft to sell.
Votive candles add elegance to our homes, act as a gracious center piece for the dinner tables, add vibrancy at the wedding receptions, and appeal one & all with varied colors and scents.
The supplies for making your own votive candles can easily be found at the online stores or the near by craft stores. For interesting ideas and inspirations, just log on the internet or look out in the near by library or book store to search for books that are filled in with pictures and ideas to make interesting votive candles for all occasions. On the online sources many a time you might also come across the gorgeous pictures of votive candles along with the step by step instruction manual to make them yourself. To make the supplies even more economical, especially the votive holders, you can also approach the thrift shops or yard sales.
The individual characteristics of votive candles are as follows:
- Each piece of votive candle often entails more than 1 votive candle.
- These are quite cost effective as the votives burn for around fifteen hours. These must be used with a holder else the votive candles are not considered safe while free standing. The votive holder must be an inch or 2 taller the votive candle itself.
- People prefer using votive candles during Halloween for their jack-o-lanterns. The reason is simple- the light for long and illuminate the entire face of their jack-o-lanterns.
- For the beginners, making these candles is a good choice as it helps you brush on the entire basics well.
- Need less to mention, it is quite easy to make the votive candles.
- Wax- Paraffin or bees' wax.
- Molds- Prefer on the metal ones, especially aluminum.
- A double boiler to heat the wax.
- A thermometer to keep a check of the temperature of wax during the entire process.
- Wick- This must be of a very good quality else it would effect the burning quality of the candle.
- Wick tabs- These are metal tabs that help you keep the wick in place while making the candle. These serve as the base for your candles.
- Dyes to color the candles.
- Scents and aromas to add fragrance to the candle if you so desire.
- Mold Spray- It keeps the mold clean and lubricated thereby ensuring smooth replacement of the candle from the mold.
- Heat the wax in a double boiler.
- Keep a check on the temperature with the help of a thermometer.
- In hot melted wax, add any colors and fragrance of your choice.
- Stir it well.
- Immediately pour this melted wax in the molds' lips.
- To keep process clean and economical, place an old newspaper beneath the wax molds prior to pouring the wax in to them. This way you would land up saving around 20% of your melted wax for your next pouring process.
- Let the wax cool in the molds and you work on the wicks.
- Cut the wick several inches longer than actually required.
- Attach the wicks to the wick tabs.
- Dip your wicks in hot wax.
- Unlike the other candles, votive candles cool off quite faster so do keep a check on the molds while cooling down.
- When wax starts hardening, insert the wick with its tab attached, through the bottom of the mold.
- Let the wax cool further and check that the metal tab or the wick tab settles down well.
- Check that the wick must stay right in the center.
- After the wax has fully cooled down, you shall a sink hole on the top of the votive candle that forms due to shrinkage.
- Heat some wax to a temperature 15 degree Fahrenheit higher than the earlier wax poured. Pour this melted wax in the mold again.
- Let the mold cool down completely now.
- The votive candle would slide out from the mold quite easily.
- Finally trim your candle's wick to about 1/2 an inch from the candle's top.
- Attach the same to the votive holder, and inch or 2 taller than your candle itself.
- To further beautify your votive candle, try applying some sleek ribbons with hot glue gun across the rim of your votive candle holder.
- Candle Making Basics
- Candle Making Supplies
- Candle Making Additives
- Operating a Successful Candle Making Business
- Making Votive Candles

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