"هیچ کس یک گل را نمی بیند، به راستی آن قدر کوچک است که دیدنش وقت لازم دارد که ما نداریم . همان گونه که داشتن یک دوست ، وقت لازم دارد و ما نداریم. جورجیا اوکیف "
I can't imagine any joy in life greater than sitting down in front of a mirror and buying any hat you choose without having first to consider the price! There's no doubt about it, Daddy; New York would rapidly undermine this fine stoical character which the John Grier Home so patiently built up.
And after we'd finished our shopping, we met Master Jervie at Sherry's. I suppose you've been in Sherry's ? Picture that, then picture the dining-room of the John Grier Home with its oilcloth-covered tables, and white crockery that you CAN'T break, and wooden-handled knives and forks; and fancy the way I felt!
I ate my fish with the wrong fork, but the waiter very kindly gave me another so that nobody noticed.
And after luncheon we went to the theater--it was dazzling, marvelous, unbelievable--I dream about it every night.
Isn't Shakespeare wonderful?
Hamlet is so much better on the stage than when we analyze it in class; I appreciated it before, but now, clear me!
I think, if you don't mind, that I'd rather be an actress than a writer. Wouldn't you like me to leave college and go into a dramatic school? And then I'll send you a box for all my performances, and smile at you across the footlights. Only wear a red rose in your buttonhole, please, so I'll surely smile at the right man. It would be an awfully embarrassing mistake if I pricked out the wrong one.
And after we'd finished our shopping, we met Master Jervie at Sherry's. I suppose you've been in Sherry's ? Picture that, then picture the dining-room of the John Grier Home with its oilcloth-covered tables, and white crockery that you CAN'T break, and wooden-handled knives and forks; and fancy the way I felt!
I ate my fish with the wrong fork, but the waiter very kindly gave me another so that nobody noticed.
And after luncheon we went to the theater--it was dazzling, marvelous, unbelievable--I dream about it every night.
Isn't Shakespeare wonderful?
Hamlet is so much better on the stage than when we analyze it in class; I appreciated it before, but now, clear me!
I think, if you don't mind, that I'd rather be an actress than a writer. Wouldn't you like me to leave college and go into a dramatic school? And then I'll send you a box for all my performances, and smile at you across the footlights. Only wear a red rose in your buttonhole, please, so I'll surely smile at the right man. It would be an awfully embarrassing mistake if I pricked out the wrong one.
oilcloth پارچه مشمعcrockery ظروف سفالی
luncheon ناهار
footlights ردیف چراغ های جلوی صحنه نمایش و مانند آن
dazzling خیره کنندهmarvelous حیرت آور، عجیب ، جالب
to undermine تحلیل بردنخیلی لذت دارد :که آدم جلوی آینه بنشیند و کلاهی را که دوست دارد روی سرش امتحان کند و بخرد بدون اینکه نگران پولش باشد.
جای تردید نیست که نیویورک دنیایی را که جان گریر ساخته بزودی ویران خواهد کرد.
بعد از اینکه خرید کردیم طبق قرار قبلی ما آقای پندلتون را در رستوران " شریز" ملاقات کردیم، بدون تردید شما به رستوران شریز رفته اید. آن را با سالن غذا خوری جان گریر مقایسه کنید. با آن رو میزی های مشمع و ظروف سفالین و کاردها و چنگالهای دسته چوبی ، حالا ببینید من چه حالی داشتم.
من ماهی را با چنگال عوضی خوردم ، اما پیشخدمت بدون اینکه کسی متوجه شود خیلی مودبانه چنگال ماهی خوری را به دست من داد.
بعد از ناهار به تئاتر رفتیم ....بابا....بابا... باورنکردنی ، بی نظیر فوق العاده بود، من هرشب خوابش را می بینم . مگر شکسپیر نابغه نیست؟
هملتی که روی صحنه آمد، خیلی بهتر از هملتی بود که ما در کلاس در مورد او صحبت می کردیم . اول من خیلی از او خوشم می آمد، اما حالا ... خدایا چه بگویم؟
اگر شما اجازه بدهید من ترجیج می دهم بجای نویسنده یکی هنرپیشه بشوم ، شما دوست ندارید که من مدرسه را رها کنم و به دانشکده ی هنرهای فنی بروم؟
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