صبــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــح بخــــــــــــــــــــــیر تهـــــــــــــــران
It seemed to me that you showed little gratitude in holding up to ridicule the institution that has done so much for you. Had you not managed to be funny I doubt if you would have been forgiven. But fortunately for you, Mr.--, that is, the gentleman who has just gone-- appears to have an immoderate sense of humor. One the strength of that impertinent paper, he has offered to send you to college
To college?' Jerusha's eyes grew big. Mrs. Lippett nodded
'He waited to discuss the terms with me. They are unusual. The gentleman, I may say, is erratic. He believes that you have originality,and he is planning to educate you to become a writer.'
'A writer?' Jerusha's mind was numbed. She could only repeat Mrs. Lippett's words.
To college?' Jerusha's eyes grew big. Mrs. Lippett nodded
'He waited to discuss the terms with me. They are unusual. The gentleman, I may say, is erratic. He believes that you have originality,and he is planning to educate you to become a writer.'
'A writer?' Jerusha's mind was numbed. She could only repeat Mrs. Lippett's words.
gratitude حق شناسی ، نمک شناسی؛ سپاسگزاری ، تشکر
ridiculeمسخره ، تمسخر ، استهزاء ، ریشخند
institution مؤسسه ، بنیاد، هیئت ، شورا
humor شوخی ، خوشمزگی ، طنز
strength نیرو، استحکام ، قدرت
ridiculeمسخره ، تمسخر ، استهزاء ، ریشخند
institution مؤسسه ، بنیاد، هیئت ، شورا
humor شوخی ، خوشمزگی ، طنز
strength نیرو، استحکام ، قدرت
impertinent خیره چشم
originality ابتکار، غرابت ، اصالت
numbed کرخ ، بی حس
to numb بی حس یا کرخ کردن
to humor راضی نگه داشتن ، خوشی دادن
to humor راضی نگه داشتن ، خوشی دادن
to institution بنیاد برقرار کردن ، برقرار کردن ، تأسیس کردن
fortunate خوشبخت، خوشحال، شاد ، خوب ، مساعد
immoderateبی اعتدال ، زیاد
immoderateبی اعتدال ، زیاد
impertinent گستاخ ، بی شرمانه ، بی ربط
erratic دمدمی مزاج ، متلون ، نامنظم ، سرگردان
erratic دمدمی مزاج ، متلون ، نامنظم ، سرگردان
که در نظر من این غیر قابل قبول است که تو به جای قدردانی از پرورشگاه که ترا بزرگ کرده ، چهارشنبه ی اول هر ماهی را با آن طول و تفصیل مسخره کرده ای، و البته اگر جنبه ی لطیفه ی گویی تو مطرح نبود، من به خاطر آن نسبت به تو هیچ گذشتی نمی کردم - اما به هر حال آقای ... منظورم همین آقایی است که رفتند ، خیلی شوخ طبع هستند و به خاطر همین انشاء مسخره می خواهند ترا به دانشکده بفرستند.
-- " یک نویسنده ...!؟"
جروشا خیره نگاه کرد و پرسید:« دانشکده ؟»
خانم لیپت به علامت تأیید سرش را تکان داد و گفت:« بله ، به خاطر همین موضوع بود که بعد از رفتن دیگران به دفتر تشریف آوردند، تا در مورد شرایط گفتگو کنند، به نظر من شرایط خیلی عجیب است ، این آقا معتقد است که نیروی ابتکار تو خیلی عالی است و به همین دلیل می خواهد تسهیلاتی فراهم کند تا تو به درس ادامه دهی و یک نویسنده بشوی.
-- " یک نویسنده ...!؟"
اواخر تعطیلات کریسمس، تاریخ دقیق ناشناخته است.
بابا لنگ دراز عزیز،
برف می بارد، شما کجا هستید؟ دنیایی را که من از پنجره ی اتاقم به تماشایش نشسته ام، پوشیده از برف سفید است. پرک های برف به بزرگی گل خشخاش در هوا سرگردانند، آفتاب دارد به غروب می نشیند و پرتو آن از پشت کوههای کبود ، زرد روشن و اکلیلی به نظر می آید.
من کنار پنجره ی اتاقم نشسته ام و دارم از آخرین پرتو روز لذت می برم و این نامه را برای شما می نویسم . پنج سکه طلایی را که برای من فرستاده بودید خیلی غیر منتظره بود، تاکنون عادت نداشته ام که کسی به من عیدی بدهد، شما خیلی چیزها به من داده اید که سابقه نداشته است، به عبارت دیگر حالا من هر چه دارم از شما دارم.
احساس می کنم شایسته ی این همه الطاف شما نیستم . اما با این وجود از دریافت سکه های طلا غرق شادی شدم . دوست دارید بدانید با آن پولها چه کار کردم؟
یک ساعت نقره خریدم تا به موقع سر کلاس حاضر شوم.
یک جلد از کتاب اشعار " ماتیو آرنولد" خریدم.
یک کیف آب گرم خریدم.
یک تشکچه ی برقی خریدم ( چون اتاقم خیلی سرد است )
پانصد ورق کاغذ چرک نویس کاهی خریدم ( اگر قرار است نویسنده شوم باید از همین حالا شروع کنم)
یک جلد فرهنگ لغت خریدم.
( آخری را خجالت می کشم بنویسم ، اما چه کار کنم ) یک جفت جوراب ابریشمی خریدم.
اگر بخواهید بدانید انگیزه ی خریدن جوراب ابریشمی چه بوده است ، باید بگویم : شبها جولیا پندلتون به اتاق من می آمد تا با هم هندسه بخوانیم. جولیا روی مبل می نشست و پاهایش را روی هم می انداخت و همیشه جوراب ابریشمی به پایش بود.
صبر کنید! به محض اینکه جولیا از تعطیلات عید برگردد، جوراب های ابریشمی را می پوشم و به اتاقش می روم . بابا ، می بینید من چقدر بیچاره هستم ؟ اما هر چه هستم آدم صاف و ساده ای هستم، وانگهی شما هم از گذشته ی من که در نوانخانه بوده ام خبر دارید، خب ، به هر حال عیبی هم دارم ، مگر نه ؟
کوتاه این که ( این عبارتی است که استاد انگلیسی ما مدام سرکلاس تکرار می کند) از هدیه های هفتگانه ی شما بسیار سپاسگزارم . من طوری بازگو کردم که این هدایا از کالیفرنیا از طرف خانواده ام فرستاده شده است :
ساعت از طرف پدربزرگم .
تشکچه ی برقی از طرف عمه ام.
کیف آب گرم از طرف مادر بزرگ ( که همیشه نگران حال من است، مبادا در این هوای سرد سرما بخورم.)
تشکچه ی برقی از طرف عمه ام.
کیف آب گرم از طرف مادر بزرگ ( که همیشه نگران حال من است، مبادا در این هوای سرد سرما بخورم.)
کاغذهای کاهی از طرف برادر کوچکم که اسمش هری است.
جورابهای ابریشمی از طرف " ایزابل " خواهرم.
اشعار " ماتیو آرنولد" از طرف خاله جان " سوزان " .
فرهنگ لغت را هم عموجان " هری" فرستاده است.
امیدوارم شما از این که باید نقش خانواده ی شلوغ مرا بازی کنید ناراحت نشوید.
And now, shall I tell you about my vacation, or are you only interested in my education as such? I hope you appreciate the delicate shade of meaning in 'as such'. It is the latest addition to my vocabulary.
The girl from Texas is named Leonora Fenton. ( Almost as funny as Jerusha, isn't it?) I like her, but not so much as Sallie McBride; I shall never like any one so much as Sallie--except you. I must always like you the best of all, because you're my whole family rolled into one. Leonora and I and two Sophomores have walked 'cross country every pleasant day and explored the whole neighborhood, dressed in short skirts and knit jackets and caps, and carrying shiny sticks to whack thing with. Once we walked into town--four miles--and stopped at a restaurant where the college girls go for dinner. Broiled lobster (35 cents), and for dessert, buckwheat cakes and maple syrup (15 cents). Nourishing and cheap.
It was such a lark! Especially for me, because it was so awfully different from the asylum--I feel like an escaped convict every time I leave the campus. Before I thought, I started to tell the others what inexperience I was having. The cat was almost out of the bag when I grabbed it by its tail and pulled it back. It's awfully hard for me not to tell everything I know, I'm a very confiding soul by nature; if I didn't have you to tell things to, I'd burst.
We had a molasses candy pull last Friday evening, given by the house matron of Fergussen to the left-behinds in the other halls. There were twenty-two of us altogether, Freshmen and Sophomores and juniors and Seniors all united in amicable accord. The kitchen is huge, with copper pots and kettles hanging in rows on the stone wall--the littlest casserole among them about the size of a wash boiler. Four hundred girls live in Fregussen. The chef, in a white cap and apron, fetched out twenty-two other white caps and aprons-- I can't imaging where he got so many--and we all turned ourselves into cooks.
It was great fun, though I have seen better candy. When it was finally finished, and ourselves and the kitchen and the door-knobs all thoroughly sticky, we organized a procession an still in our caps and aprons, each carrying a big fork or spoon or frying pan, we marched through the empty corridors to the officers' parlor, where half-a-dozen professors and instructors were passing a tranquil evening. We serenaded them with college songs and offered refreshments. They accepted politely but dubiously. We left them sucking chunks of molasses candy, sticky and speechless.
So you see, Caddy, my education progresses!
Don't you really think that I ought to be an artist instead of an author? Vacation will be over in two days and I shall be glad to see the girls again. My tower is just a trifle lonely; when nine people occupy a house that was built for four hundred, they do rattle around a bit.
Eleven pages--poor Daddy, you must be tired! I meant this to be just a short little thank-you note--but when I get started I seem to have a ready pen.
Goodbye, and thank you for thinking of me--I should be perfectly happy except for one little threatening cloud on the horizon. Examinations come in February.
Yours with love,
PS. Maybe it isn't proper to send love? If it isn't , please excuse. But I must love somebody and there's only you and Mrs. Lippett to choose between, so you see--you'll HAVE to put up with it, Daddy dear, because I can't love her.
The girl from Texas is named Leonora Fenton. ( Almost as funny as Jerusha, isn't it?) I like her, but not so much as Sallie McBride; I shall never like any one so much as Sallie--except you. I must always like you the best of all, because you're my whole family rolled into one. Leonora and I and two Sophomores have walked 'cross country every pleasant day and explored the whole neighborhood, dressed in short skirts and knit jackets and caps, and carrying shiny sticks to whack thing with. Once we walked into town--four miles--and stopped at a restaurant where the college girls go for dinner. Broiled lobster (35 cents), and for dessert, buckwheat cakes and maple syrup (15 cents). Nourishing and cheap.
It was such a lark! Especially for me, because it was so awfully different from the asylum--I feel like an escaped convict every time I leave the campus. Before I thought, I started to tell the others what inexperience I was having. The cat was almost out of the bag when I grabbed it by its tail and pulled it back. It's awfully hard for me not to tell everything I know, I'm a very confiding soul by nature; if I didn't have you to tell things to, I'd burst.
We had a molasses candy pull last Friday evening, given by the house matron of Fergussen to the left-behinds in the other halls. There were twenty-two of us altogether, Freshmen and Sophomores and juniors and Seniors all united in amicable accord. The kitchen is huge, with copper pots and kettles hanging in rows on the stone wall--the littlest casserole among them about the size of a wash boiler. Four hundred girls live in Fregussen. The chef, in a white cap and apron, fetched out twenty-two other white caps and aprons-- I can't imaging where he got so many--and we all turned ourselves into cooks.
It was great fun, though I have seen better candy. When it was finally finished, and ourselves and the kitchen and the door-knobs all thoroughly sticky, we organized a procession an still in our caps and aprons, each carrying a big fork or spoon or frying pan, we marched through the empty corridors to the officers' parlor, where half-a-dozen professors and instructors were passing a tranquil evening. We serenaded them with college songs and offered refreshments. They accepted politely but dubiously. We left them sucking chunks of molasses candy, sticky and speechless.
So you see, Caddy, my education progresses!
Don't you really think that I ought to be an artist instead of an author? Vacation will be over in two days and I shall be glad to see the girls again. My tower is just a trifle lonely; when nine people occupy a house that was built for four hundred, they do rattle around a bit.
Eleven pages--poor Daddy, you must be tired! I meant this to be just a short little thank-you note--but when I get started I seem to have a ready pen.
Goodbye, and thank you for thinking of me--I should be perfectly happy except for one little threatening cloud on the horizon. Examinations come in February.
Yours with love,
PS. Maybe it isn't proper to send love? If it isn't , please excuse. But I must love somebody and there's only you and Mrs. Lippett to choose between, so you see--you'll HAVE to put up with it, Daddy dear, because I can't love her.
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