26 Tips for Overcoming Bloggers Block
Do you create written content?
Have you struggled getting that blog idea written?
While most of us aren't immune to writer's block, there are ways to work through the block until the words flow again.
In this article, we'll discuss 26 Tips, an A-Z guide for bloggers to overcome writer's block and generate new ideas.
#1: Add Alerts to Find Fresh Content
Google indexes thousands of articles every day and it's a safe bet that at least one of them has information relevant to your business.
Sign up for Google Alerts and you can add and delete alert topics at any time based on projects you're working on.
Include keywords relevant to your blogging goals in your alerts and the updates you receive will point you to content you might not otherwise come across on your own.
Google Alerts help you find articles that spark ideas for your own content.
Google Alerts deliver great content ideas.
Read more: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com

Is Conan O'Brien the Ashton Kutcher of LinkedIn?
BY Dave Kerpen
A new social media mogul has emerged, and his name is Conan.
In 2009, Ashton Kutcher's @aplusk account became the first Twitter account on the planet to reach a million followers. After a much-celebrated competition between him and Larry King representing CNN's Twitter account, this was a milestone, not only for Ashton, not only for Twitter, but for American culture.
In the past four years, Twitter has gone mainstream. The social media site continues to grow quickly in users and revenues and will soon become a publicly traded company. Hundreds of people and organizations now have more than one million followers.
Recently late-night talk-show host and comedian Conan O'Brien declared live on his show that he will conquer LinkedIn, becoming the most popular "LinkedIn Influencer" on the planet, ahead of the likes of Richard Branson, Bill Gates and President Barack Obama.
5 LinkedIn Company Page Tips to Enhance Your Marketing
By Jason Miller
Why a LinkedIn Company Page?
The benefits of a well-oiled LinkedIn company page include engaging followers with company news, updates, events and relevant content.
There's also the improved search engine rankings as LinkedIn pages often perform well in company searches. And let's not forget lead generation opportunities from your content marketing.
In fact, research shows that 50% of LinkedIn members are more likely to purchase from companies when they engage with them on LinkedIn.
Here's how to make your LinkedIn company page work for you:
#1: Optimize Your LinkedIn Page
Showcase what your business has to offer. Smart marketers who build out their products and services page tend to attract twice as many company followers than those who don't.
Use this page to tell members what you do best and give them compelling reasons to follow you.
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Think you know your website color palettes?
There are a lot of websites and brands out there that use blue prominently in their image. Name That Blue will test your knowledge of which shades each site uses, pitting them against each other. Some are pretty easy (Behance vs Twitter, for example), while others are a bit more difficult.
Name That Blue

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