
تمرین دیروز
فرد همیشه مشروبش را در خانه می خورد
Fred always had his drink at home
او با مردم زیادی در یک بار صحبت می کرد
He talked to a lot of people in a bar
یک غروب مردی با سگی در مشروب فروشی درافتس بازی می کردند
A man was playing draughts with a dog in the bar one evening
He talked to a lot of people in a bar
یک غروب مردی با سگی در مشروب فروشی درافتس بازی می کردند
A man was playing draughts with a dog in the bar one evening
سگ درافتس خودش حرکت داد
The dog moved the draughts itself
The dog moved the draughts itself
فرد خیلی شگفت زده شد
Fred was very surprised
Fred was very surprised
گاهی اوقات سگ بازی را می برد
The dog sometimes won the game
The dog sometimes won the game
در کنار همسرت باش
If you love someone, you support
them in the good times.. and
the bad
اگر عاشق کسی هستی بايد در روزگار
خوشی و ناخوشی حامی او باشی
خوشی و ناخوشی حامی او باشی
from " The joy of Shaun"
Terrible noise
Mrs. Jenkins was the owner of a small restaurant in Southampton. Southampton is a big port. Mrs. Jenkins had two young waitresses and a cook to help her.
One day a sailor came into the restaurant, sat down at one of the tables, ordered what the wanted from the waitress and then got up and left again after a few minutes. The owner of the restaurant was surprised when she saw this, so she called the waitress and asked her why the man had left before having his meat.
' Well,' the waitress answered. ' he asked for some of our fried rabbit, and when I went out into the kitchen to order it from the cook. the cat was just on the other side of the door and I stepped on its tail by mistake . It made a terrible noise, of course . and then the man got up from his table and went out very quickly.'
One day a sailor came into the restaurant, sat down at one of the tables, ordered what the wanted from the waitress and then got up and left again after a few minutes. The owner of the restaurant was surprised when she saw this, so she called the waitress and asked her why the man had left before having his meat.
' Well,' the waitress answered. ' he asked for some of our fried rabbit, and when I went out into the kitchen to order it from the cook. the cat was just on the other side of the door and I stepped on its tail by mistake . It made a terrible noise, of course . and then the man got up from his table and went out very quickly.'
صدای وحشتناک
خانم جنکینز صاحب یک رستوران کوچک در ساوتهمپتون بود. ساوتهمپتون منطقه ی بزرگی است . خانم جنکینز برای کمک دو تا دختر پیشخدمت و یک آشپز داشت
روزی یک ملوان به رستوران آمد ، و پشت میزی نشست ، به پیشخدمت سفارشش را داد و بعد چند دقیقه برخاست و رفت. وقتی که رستوران دار این اتفاق را دید ، حیرت کرد ،دختر را صدا زد و ازش پرسید چرا آن مرد قبل از خوردن غذاش از رستوران رفت
دختر جواب داد:« خب، او خرگوش سرخ شده سفارش داد و زمانیکه که من برای گفتن سفارشش به آشپز از بیرون به داخل آشپزخانه می رفتم ، گربه درست پشت در بود و من اشتباهی پایم را روی دمش گذاشتم . او جیغ وحشتناکی کشید ، مرد از پشت میزش بلند شد و به سرعت بیرون رفت."
واژه ی کلیدی امروز cook است
frying panماهی تابه
cookbook کتاب آشپزی
cooker آشپز
cookery هنر آشپزی
cookie شیرینی ، بیسکویت ، عامیانه : آدم
cook آشپز
fried سرخ شده
cookbook کتاب آشپزی
cooker آشپز
cookery هنر آشپزی
cookie شیرینی ، بیسکویت ، عامیانه : آدم
cook آشپز
fried سرخ شده
to fry گوشت و ماهی سرخ کردن to cook آشپزی کردن ، حساب کردن
Delicious cookies
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