Selected Tips
Making Gel Candles
Candles in the current scenario are used for several purposes like decoration & gifts. They are always an indispensable part of the festivities and usual home decor. Candle making is a great pastime for special moments as well, for instance parents making candles together with their children, or gifting the same to your family & friends on special occasions. These are also an excellent craft to sell.
Gel candles are indeed beautiful and easy to light. These burn slowly hence more than usual. These are real treasures for life that spread aroma & light.
The ingredients of gel candles are very inexpensive and can be easily found in the local craft stores. For rather more choices there are various online stores available on the World Wide Web or the internet. Also these are very easy to make and can indeed add charm to your family get-together and festivities. While internet is a rich source to look for various design ideas, the market is flooded with various books that feature amazing pictures of gel candles that can guide you through wonderful inspirations.

Candles in the current scenario are used for several purposes like decoration & gifts. They are always an indispensable part of the festivities and usual home decor. Candle making is a great pastime for special moments as well, for instance parents making candles together with their children, or gifting the same to your family & friends on special occasions. These are also an excellent craft to sell.
Gel candles are indeed beautiful and easy to light. These burn slowly hence more than usual. These are real treasures for life that spread aroma & light.
The ingredients of gel candles are very inexpensive and can be easily found in the local craft stores. For rather more choices there are various online stores available on the World Wide Web or the internet. Also these are very easy to make and can indeed add charm to your family get-together and festivities. While internet is a rich source to look for various design ideas, the market is flooded with various books that feature amazing pictures of gel candles that can guide you through wonderful inspirations.
- The basic supplies required to make gel candles are as follows:
- gel
- zinc wicks
- fragrance oils ( optional)
- dye to make them colored
Here are some essential tips to make gel candles:
- It is important to understand that-for gel candles zinc wicks can not be replaced with cotton wicks as it absorbs the gel-hence the candle does not burn well.
- You must keep in mind that many candles makers prefer not to use color and rather keep it clear. But, you must not block your creativity and feel free to do your own experiments in terms of shades and designs.
- There is a wide variety of candle holders available for gel candles. One key factor is that the candle holder must be non-flammable. For best results, most oft candle makers use glass containers for candle holders. In order to make your gel candles unique, try using the following alternates: fancy glasses | Wine glasses| Vases
- Embeds add a great flavor to the candle. You can base your creation on various themes with the right embeds. An essential factor that you must keep on mind is that the embeds you use must not be flammable. You can opt for various colorful embeds to create themes such as X-Mass, Valentines, etc. a few common yet classy choice are: Glitter | Marbles | Colorful Rocks | Sea Shells | Crystals
- Gel candles far less color that the regular candles as gel catches on color quite easily, so add the color quite slowly. Add more of it only if surely required.
- Very dark colors hide way the embeds in gel. So be cautious while using colors in gel.
- You can plan great contrasts among the color of the gel and the embeds.
- Here are the steps that would make the procedure of making a gel candle far more easy.
- Use 'hot glue gun' in order to stick the wick at the bottom of your holder.
- Hold the wick firmly until it sticks well.
- Centering can yet be made easier by marking the bottom of the candle holder. Use a black or red marker to mark the center. Then place the wick on top of this mark.
- You must leave this wick long enough so as to reach outside the holder. You can trim it later.
- Cut the get in to small strips and melt the gel. Using a double boiler to melt the gel at medium heat leave is quite advisable.
- To melt the gel, cut it into same strips. For best results melt it in a double boiler at medium heat. This gel must be at 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
- At very high temperature the gel can loose its gloss. Investing in a quality thermometer won't be a bad deal to strike the right temperature.
- While adding colors to the gel candles make sure to do it very slow. The colors show up more vibrancy in gel candle that usual wax candles, so one needs not much color. Stir the melted get well while adding the color dyes.
- With embedded objects, you are suggested to use very light colors.
- In case you are planning to add some scents and aroma to the candle, the right quantity is-1/3 teaspoon for one glass melted gel.
- Heating your container in a microwave for around one minute. would give you the best of results as this removes all the lumps in the melted gel. It also removes unsightly bubbles of gel candles. After removing the candle holder from microwave, add the embeds.
- In order to get a better hold of the embeds in the candle, dip them in hot gel. You can try various setting of your embeds. Push them towards edges of the candles holder makes them more visible. Try creating some interesting patterns or just put them in loosely.
- During adding the embedding objects, beware that the gel is not very hot. After completing the embedding process, pour the melted gel in the holder. In case the gel gets cooled down before pouring in the holder, clumps of gel would be formed that would ruin the candle.
- Be sure to leave the wick hanging over the top of the holder, prior to pouring the gel in.
- Trim the wick to the size desired, after the gel is set.
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