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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Keep Your Ears Open For Opportunities!

Monster Cafe

Our small island experienced the wonderful days in the last two months of 2014. The days full of excitement and stress . That is why I intend to turn over these pages as quick as I can, until it comes to a week before Christmas day.

Do you remember Halloween night; by playing a trick on her neighbors Mino got some money, but in the end her mom made her give back all the money.

Little Spy

When the Halloween plan failed, Mino focused on the richest boy in the school to find a hot news on him. Mino was a bit doubtful whether Martin had fallen in love with Sabine or not; Martin phoned Sabine everyday, and this was a good excuse for Mino to keep an eye on him.

On the sly she listened to his phone calls, and her stealthily steps followed him everywhere.

But Mino was wrong; Martin only wanted to know whether Sabine's mom had become better or not.

After a terrible crash, the mother of the little German girl had gone to a deep sleep since the last spring, and the same days Martin made a app for his father.

Feech, his app, could send the waves to others' brains in order to change their feelings.

When Herr Thomson, Sabine's daddy,  heard of Feech, he walked on air, he believed Feech could cure his wife, So put a great deal of his investment on Martin's Company.

For a few months, Martin and his associates in the company worked on the app, finally their attempt led up to a happy ending; on November first the sleeping beauty awakened, she come out of coma; Sabine and her family were bubbling with excitement; Martin, Parmis and all of Feech's guys took pride in themselves.

In middle of the November. Armis acted in a short movie; its director was Tina, the young actress acted her part so brilliant that a great film production company made an agreement with her.


On the last 7 days of November, Parmis's mom accomplished her new novel " Monster Cafe", the book got the bestseller in the island for one month, and the author became famous for her work.

Paria , an Iranian teenager, was accustomed to gather with her classmates in Monster cafe, a coffee shop near her high school. Whenever she sat with her notebook by the cafe  window, a blank mail appeared on the notebook screen, this event occurred in the whole Monster cafes around the world, such as the cafe which Jason was in.

As Parmis's mom account was much swollen, she purchased a large villa ; although Parmis would rather buy a private jet, she was so excited to see the big house that she invited her friends to show off there.


And A Week Before Christmas Season, Martin's app was elected as the best app in the island; The principal school and Miss Dana cheered him on, Parmis had a funny interview with him, and as a prize $100,000 was awarded him by the president in the Island technology festival.

Now that young Martin was the headline of the newspapers & magazines, and emerged on TV every night,  Mino could perform her plan, she called a gossip magazine, and sold Martin's photos for a high price.

Alone in the playground, Martin sat on the swing reading a newspaper; Genius or Monster?? the very same moment, the swing was given a shake by the cruel wind, the newspaper slipped through his fingers, fell off on the ground, and after getting on the wind,swirled in the air, and flew away.

In bitter chill, the woolen scarf was washed in Martin's pure tears; Martin sat on the swing weeping...

All The Best



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