« همیشه به نظرم می رسد که خنده ی از ته دل، راهی خوب برای دویدن درونی است، بدون آن که مجبور بشوی از خانه بیرون بروی. نورمن کازینز»
It's Sunday night now, about eleven o'clock, and I am supposed to be getting some beauty sleep, but I had black coffee for dinner, so--no beauty sleep for me!
This morning, said Mrs. Sample to Mr. Pendleton, with a very determined accent:
'We have to leave here at a quarter past ten in order to get to church by eleven.'
'Very well, Lizzie,' said Master Jervie, 'you have the buggy ready, and if I'm not dressed, just go on without waiting,' 'We'll wait,' Said she.
'As you please,' said he, 'Only don't keep the horses standing too long.'
Then while she was dressing, he told Carrie to pack up a lunch, and he told me to scramble into my walking clothes; and we slipped out the back way and went fishing.
It discommoded the household dreadfully, because Lock Willow of a Sunday dines at two. But he ordered dinner at seven--he orders meals whenever he chooses; you would think the place were a restaurant--and that kept Carrie and Amasai from going driving. But he said it was all the better because it wasn't proper for them to go driving without a chaperon; and anyway, he wanted the horses himself to take me driving. Did you ever hear anything so funny?
And poor Mrs. Semple believes that people who go fishing on Sundays go afterwards to a sizzling hot hell! She is awfully troubled to think that she didn't train him better when he was small and helpless and she had the chance. Besides--she wished to show him off in church.
Anyway, we had our fishing ( he caught for little ones ) and we cooked them on a camp-fire for lunch. They kept falling off our spiked sticks into the fire, so they tasted a little ashy, but we ate them. We got home at four and went driving at five and had dinner at seven, and at ten I was sent to bed and here I am, writing to you.
I am getting a little sleepy, though. Good night.
Here is a picture of the one fish I caught.
This morning, said Mrs. Sample to Mr. Pendleton, with a very determined accent:
'We have to leave here at a quarter past ten in order to get to church by eleven.'
'Very well, Lizzie,' said Master Jervie, 'you have the buggy ready, and if I'm not dressed, just go on without waiting,' 'We'll wait,' Said she.
'As you please,' said he, 'Only don't keep the horses standing too long.'
Then while she was dressing, he told Carrie to pack up a lunch, and he told me to scramble into my walking clothes; and we slipped out the back way and went fishing.
It discommoded the household dreadfully, because Lock Willow of a Sunday dines at two. But he ordered dinner at seven--he orders meals whenever he chooses; you would think the place were a restaurant--and that kept Carrie and Amasai from going driving. But he said it was all the better because it wasn't proper for them to go driving without a chaperon; and anyway, he wanted the horses himself to take me driving. Did you ever hear anything so funny?
And poor Mrs. Semple believes that people who go fishing on Sundays go afterwards to a sizzling hot hell! She is awfully troubled to think that she didn't train him better when he was small and helpless and she had the chance. Besides--she wished to show him off in church.
Anyway, we had our fishing ( he caught for little ones ) and we cooked them on a camp-fire for lunch. They kept falling off our spiked sticks into the fire, so they tasted a little ashy, but we ate them. We got home at four and went driving at five and had dinner at seven, and at ten I was sent to bed and here I am, writing to you.
I am getting a little sleepy, though. Good night.
Here is a picture of the one fish I caught.
buggy نوعی درشکه ی یک اسبه
afterwards بعد از آن، پس از آنفعل
to chaperon نگهبانی کردن
to sizzle جلز و ولز کردن، صدای هیس کردن
to spike میخکوب کردن، سوختن
حالا شب یکشنبه است، ساعت حدود یازده است، به طور معمول حالا باید من خواب باشم ، اما همراه با شام قهوه ترک خوردم و بی خوابی به سرم زده است
صبح خانم سمپل با لحن جدی به آقای پندلتون گفت
باید ساعت 10:15 از اینجا حرکت کنیم تا سر ساعت یازده در کلیسا باشیم
اقای پندلتون گفت
باشد خانم بگویید دیگر درشکه را آماده کنند. اگر سر ساعت من خانه نبودم شما معطل من نشوید و خودتان بروید
نه من منتظر شما می شوم
هر طور دوست دارید، فقط اسب ها را زیاد سرپا نگه ندارید
بعد هنگامی که خانم سمپل داشت لباس می پوشید آقای جروی به کاری دستور داد که وسایل ناهار را برای ما جور کند و به من گفت که کفش و کت اسپورت بپوشم و از در عقبی فرار کردیم و رفتیم ماهیگیری
این کار تمام برنامه خانه را به هم ریخت، اغلب در لاک ویلو در روزهای یکشنبه ساعت 2 بعد از ظهر ناهار می خورند ، آقای جروی دستور داد ساعت هفت ناهار را حاضر کنند ( آقای پندلتون هر وقت گرسنه شود دستور غذا می دهد ، درست مثل این که لاک ویلو رستوران است)
به هر حال این کار مانع از این شد که آماسی و کاری درشکه سواری کنند، آقای جروی گفت
بهتر است ، یک دختر جوان بدون آقا بالاسر با یک مرد درشکه سواری نمی کند.
وانگهی ما درشکه را هم لازم داشتیم ، چون خودمان می خواستیم سوارش بشویم. از طرفی خانم سمپل معتقد است هر کس روز یکشنبه ماهیگیری کند، به جهنم می رود . حالا از این که نتوانسته از بچگی آقای جروی را این طور بار بیاورد ناراحت بود. وانگهی حالا هم می خواست آقای جروی را توی کلیسا به مردم نشان بدهد و سرش را بالا بگیرد
به هر حال ما به ماهیگیری رفتیم. ( آقای جروی چهار تا ماهی گرفت) برای ناهار آنها را کباب کردیم، اما مدام ماهی از روی چوب می افتادند، هنگام خوردن گوشت ماهی طعم خاکستر گرفته بود، اما ما همه را خوردیم
ساعت 4 به خانه برگشتیم و ساعت 5 با درشکه به گردش رفتیم، ساعت 7 شام خوردیم و ساعت 10 آمدیم که بخوابیم حالا هم دارم به شما نامه می نویسم، دیگر خوابم گرفته
شب بخیر
این تصویر یک ماهی است که من گرفتم
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